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New media contribution: Pollution dans le Delta du Niger

Amina Adebisi Odofin discusses the role of women as agent of change in Nigeria

New media contribution: Nord-Kivu: regain d’affrontements entre M23 et groupes armés locaux (Radio Okapi)

Christoph Vogel discusses the recent involvement of local armed groups against the M23 on Radio Okapi.

New Publication: The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions

This upcoming book, co-edited by CRG's Mary Ann Manahan, provides a platform for the voices that have been conspicuously absent in debates around energy and climate in the Global North.

New Publication: Understanding Conservation Conflicts in Uganda: A Political Ecology of Memory Approach

This paper introduces a political ecology of vernacular memory to discuss the Basongora people's vernacular memories of their historical dispossession to create the Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) in Uganda.

New Publication: Grandmother-inclusive intergenerational approaches: the missing piece of the puzzle for ending FGM/C by 2030?

This brief argues that “grandmother-exclusionary bias” represents a major obstacle to eradication of these practices.

Launch: Insecure Livelihoods Fellowships

The Insecure Livelihoods Programme offers early and mid-career Congolese researchers the opportunity to plan, conduct and publish their own, original research.

New Roundtable presentation: Climate Justice: A Report from the Global South

This roundtable at the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington discusses how the climate justice movement in the Global South is responding to new “Green colonialism”?

New Panel Presentation: Is Context Everything? Social Cohesion in a Global Perspective

This panel during the annual conference of the research institute social cohesion (14 to 16 September 2023; Leipzig) brings together scholars and practitioners working on social cohesion and reconciliation from different perspectives and academic disciplines, focusing particularly on the African and the Asian continent.

New Publication: Faire face aux transformations des terrains: retours sur des expériences contrastées

This dialogue between researchers from different generations, statuses, genders, institutions, nationalities and countries looks back on contrasting and even opposing experiences, showing that, for them, there is no unequivocal link between political contexts and research activities.

New Special Issue: Locating sand

This special issue in the Extractive Industries and Society organised together with Melissa Marschke and Jean-François Rousseau aims to provide a jumping-off point towards both empirically and conceptually sophisticated work on sand.