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New Publication: Discussion Paper: Philippine Identities and Digital Humanities in the Age of Machines, Social Media and Artificial Intelligence

By adopting digital tools, the digital humanities brings transformative change in
humanities research and teaching.

New Publication: The coloniality of power in Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement

This paper addresses the complexity of studying the coloniality of humanitarianism and present-day relationships of power and authority in refugee settings.

New Publication: Understanding Myanmar’s Pro-democracy Movement

The third anniversary of the coup by the junta was recently marked in Myanmar. The democracy movement has come a long way and has transitioned into a new phase.

New Publication: Transitional justice interventions in Sri Lanka: why do they keep failing?

How can a country meaningfully commit to transitional justice interventions when ethnocracy and majoritarianism remain deeply entrenched in its political, legal and constitutional structures?

New Publication: Mujib’s Two Bodies: Memorial Populism in Bangladesh

Chapter is published in the edited volume Claiming the People's Past: Populist Politics of History in the Twenty-First Century,

New Publication: Conflit, Coltan, Cliché?

French edition of Christoph Vogel's book on conflict minerals and white saviourism out soon with Goma-based Editions Mlimani.

New Publication: Singing truth to power

Transformative (gender) justice, musical spatialities and creative performance in periods of transition from violence

New Report: Climate Change and Conflict in the Ruzizi Plain (DRC)

The report discusses the way in which climate change effects play out locally in South Kivu’s Ruzizi Plain, and how they interact with, add to, or alter existing conflict dynamics in this territory.