CRG Book Launches 11 in partnership with Green Office Ghent Climate Justice Lecture Series and Governance in Conflict

A CONVERSATION WITH author/ editor Mary Ann Manahan. Tomas Van Acker ( CRG) and Eva Vandenberghe.


The time for denial is over. Across the Global North, the question of how we should respond to the climate crisis has been answered: with a shift to renewables, electric cars, carbon trading and hydrogen.

Beneath the sustainability branding lurk new environmental injustices and green colonialism. The green growth and clean energy plans of the Global North require the large-scale extraction of strategic minerals from the Global South. The geopolitics of transition imply sacrificing not only territories, but truly sustainable ways of inhabiting this world.

The speakers will address the specifics of this new green colonialism and the alternatives being constructed by activists and policymakers in the Global South in coordination with allies in the Global North.


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